For twenty years, Pearl Jam has been a major force in rock music. From their rise during the early 1990s "grunge" movement to their current status as modern rock statesmen, their story has been one of triumphs and tragedies. In "Pearl Jam Twenty," Cameron Crowe attempts to weave together how the band got from here to there.
I loved this film, but much of that affection was predetermined by my relationship with the subject. My parents had The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. My sister had Depeche Mode and Metallica. I had Pearl Jam.
Although this documentary effectively summarizes the band's history, including major turning points (the battle with Ticketmaster, the Roskilde tragedy), I would not recommend it as a starting point for people. Some familiarity with the band and their music is necessary for some scenes, such as the footage of Stone Gossard and Eddie Vedder performing an incredibly rough cut of their song "Daughter." Even the title of the film is a reference for fans, but is lost on those completely unfamiliar.
"Pearl Jam Twenty" is pretty good, and as a Pearl Jam fan I highly recommend it. But, as a Pearl Jam fan, I also recommend you go out right now and buy all their records first. And then watch this movie. Rock on.
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