Harvard and Yale are known for their football programs. But in 1968, both schools faced off in their rivalry game with perfect records. Although Yale's team was heavily favored to win, Harvard manages to stay within striking distance for the last few minutes.
This documentary had a lot of potential. The game itself held plenty of action and drama, with participants and spectators including Tommy Lee Jones (who appears briefly in an unremarkable interview), Al Gore, and George W. Bush (who don't).
Unfortunately the film did not do justice to the story it told. Rafferty decided to forgo the typical narration of a documentary and instead used simple interviews tied together and interspersed with footage from the game.
I wanted to enjoy this movie. But I didn't. Although the interviews and clips were interesting, it needed narration to tie everything together. Without it, everything feels forced and disjointed.
This film may be worth watching if you're an alum of either university (or are related to one). The story of the game is worth knowing, but this documentary may not be the best way of hearing about it.
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